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Why a Culture of Compassion Matters
"What is companionate love?" To Sigal Barsade, a Wharton School management professor, it is when workers "who are together day in and day out, ask and care about each other's work and even non-work issues...They are careful of each other's feelings. They show compassion when things don't go well." Not surprisingly, Barsade and a colleague found that this important aspect of one's workplace ultimat... posted on Dec 02 2014, 22,034 reads


Mr. Wright's Law of Love
No one falls asleep in Jeffrey Wright's high school physics class. Exploding pumpkins, hovercrafts and an experiment involving a bed of nails, a cinder block and a sledgehammer, are some of the crazy stunts that keep the students enthralled. But it is Mr. Wright's experiences as a father of a special needs son, and his teachings about love, family, and the meaning of life that leave the deepest im... posted on Dec 01 2014, 12,054 reads


The Giving Keys
When singer-songwriter and actress Caitlin Crosby got on stage with her hotel key conveniently draped on a makeshift chain around her neck, she had no idea that this would eventually open a door and lead to "The Giving Keys". This organization unlocks human potential through a circle of passed-on keys inscribed with inspiring words like "courage", "trust", and "love". Both givers and recipients o... posted on Nov 30 2014, 19,124 reads


Kindness: The First Gift
"Kindness has gracious eyes; it is not small-minded or competitive; it wants nothing back for itself... Kindness casts a different light, an evening light that has the depth of color and patience to illuminate what is complex and rich in difference." John O'Donohue takes us on an eloquent exploration of kindness and its role in the unfolding universe.... posted on Nov 28 2014, 47,461 reads


Finding Those Three Magical Words
How easy is it to "love your neighbor" when your intoxicated neighbor wakes you up in the middle of the night and insults you? For people dedicated to the path of nonviolence, like Arun Dada and his wife Mira Ba, it's not only the right thing to do, it's the only thing you can do. Instead of getting angry, they chose to try and transform the relationship through compassion. And in doing so they i... posted on Nov 27 2014, 35,999 reads


College For All: Sebastian Thrun, Udacity
Most employers agree that new graduates lack the skills necessary to succeed. And yet, the cost of college tuition is rising far faster than the average family can afford. The frustration is clear; change is desperately needed. Now, thanks to innovators like Udacity and Coursera, and the advent of "massive open online courses" (MOOCs), both students and employers are being assured a much more pred... posted on Nov 26 2014, 13,177 reads


Sources of Light
When Kobun Otogawa was asked in the wake of 9/11, "How can I deal with the enormous fear and anger that I feel about what happened?" He replied simply, "Do one kind thing for someone every day." And though the advice might seem overly simplistic, it does cause us to realize - that it is through our own light that this world can be made a little brighter. ... posted on Nov 25 2014, 17,868 reads


How To Realize True Wealth
The world is filled with abundance, but because we stay tuned into what we do not have, we can spend our lives grasping for more, never really arriving. In this heart-felt piece, Americ Azevedo at the University of California, Berkeley, asks us to awaken to the true and profound wealth we have all been blessed with. "To awaken to this very moment is truth wealth. This moment is in truth all we rea... posted on Nov 24 2014, 21,219 reads


Is There A Right Way To Get Angry?
Anger can cause us a great deal of hurt, but it can also be a positive force that propels us to act and can spur creativity and fuel success. It is all about how we manage our anger in those instances when we feel overwhelmed by it. Read further to learn more about 'the right way' to get angry and how you can harness your anger for good. ... posted on Nov 23 2014, 28,549 reads


Vancouver's Pop-Up Shelters
A Vancouver-based advertising company teamed up with a grassroots advocacy group to extend kindness to the city's homeless population in a beautifully creative way. "During the day, the [bus] benches serve as seating for those waiting for the bus to arrive. At night, the front lifts up and out to create an overhang." Acts of kindness like these stand out against the backdrop of many cities making ... posted on Nov 22 2014, 22,192 reads


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It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.
Sir Edmund Hillary

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